Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Self Love Selfish?

About 25 Love Letters have found there way to my mailbox since this project got up and running in November 2013.  It brings a smile to my face to see a pile of letters, each full of expressions of love, acknowledgments and gratefulness and for me to have no idea what is actually inside of them other than someone's personal gratitude waiting to be opened in 3 months time.

My modern dance class full of 12 year olds going on 16yrs wrote letters to themselves this week.  They took the task on with excitement and millions of questions, when finally one of them said, "Isn't it selfish to write yourself like this?"  I stalled at this question, and said, "Perhaps, let's find out how we feel when we get them back?"  

What's interesting is that question has been on my mind since Monday. When does the notion become engrained in us that giving ourselves Love is selfish?  At some point we take on the meaning that self directed love is egotistical and self serving and so we do the opposite, we direct all of our love at outside sources and refuse to allow ourselves to truly receive self love..... its mind blowing really!  I've noticed that my biggest life challenge in my late 20's is to accept that I deserve love, that I am deserving of being loved and having great things happen to me.  People have shared over and over how they experience deflecting comments.. Someone says, "That outfit looks great on you" and we respond, "Oh this old thing? It's no big deal."  We are stingy with ourselves, we can be first to give out compliments and acknowledgements and LAST to actually receive them as the gifts that they are that someone is generously endowing us with.  So Vancouver, Stop being so stingy and start accepting that you are brilliant, talented, worthy, loveable and just plain awesome and capable of living an amazing life that you love and that loves you back!

To finish this posting off, my brilliant friend Stephanie has an amazing event coming up called Life and Balance on February 5th, 2014 from 6-9pm at The Orpheum.  It's everything life, energy and health education focused and the proceeds will support Breakfast Club of Canada. Come hear keynote speakers share about living a life that supports you and all of your dreams coming true! Did you know more than 42% of kids go to school without a proper breakfast? Imagine trying to learn on an empty stomach!  Check out her amazing website and event!

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